Come to Galapagos Marathon

Come to Galapagos Marathon Aug and Oct, 2024

The race occurs twice during the year and consists of a marathon and Half-Marathon and 10K. The number of runners is small.

It is a “tough” course but the scenery is spectacular

The marathon course starts at 574 meters above sea level on the highest part of the paved road which crosses the island. It ends at a small beach in town about a hundred yards from your hotel. The course is run on asphalt, cement, inlaid blocks or dirt road. There are two stretches that run along the coast. The runners will pass through 5 vegetation zones (miconia, scalesia, transitional, arid and costal). Figuring in all of the undulations the course has an approximate net downhill of 808 meters (2,650.9 ft.) and an approximate net uphill of 234 meters (767.7 ft.). The last 10 kilometers have a net rise of 75 meters (246 ft.) and fall of 60 meters (196.5 ft.). The last 3 kilometers are relatively flat.

The half marathon is run entirely on asphalt, cement, inlaid blocks or dirt road. It starts at 574 meters above sea level on the highest part of the paved road which crosses the island. It ends at a small beach in town about a hundred yards from your hotel, has an approximate net downhill of 584 meters (1,916 ft.) and an approximate net uphill of 42 meters (137.8 ft.).

Each marathon runner is assigned their own personal “driver/caddy”. This man waits two kilometers down the course, hydrates them, drives two kilometers ahead again, stops where ever there is a course change to be sure the runners are on the course, drives two kilometers ahead, etc. until the runners cross the finish line.

The night before every stays in a hotel that is just 50 feet from the starting line.

The marathon is sold as a complete tour package Aug 2-Aug. 11 or Oct 11 through Oct 20

See the tour details here

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