Snacks For Fuel
Snacks to help you power through your active adventure vacation!
Experiencing an active adventure in a foreign country can be intimidating for some, especially if you are in an unfamiliar place. Worrying about when you’ll get the chance to fuel your body with good food can be uncertain when adventuring outdoor terrain. So Absolutely Amazing Adventures has decided to put together a suggestion of snacks that are ideal for your outdoor active adventure!
Several things to consider when packing snacks for prolonged activity:
Portability- Can your snacks be easily packed into snacks bags and not take up too much space?
Non-perishable- Can your snacks maintain their freshness while they are stored in your bags all day?
Ready to eat- Can your snacks be conveniently consumed and little to no preparation process such as heating ?
4. Protein packed-Do your snacks contain protein, fat, and fiber?
Snacks containing these macronutrients take some time for your body to digest so they will provide you with a steady release of energy for you to keep going!
These snacks can be easily prepared by travelers to accommodate personal diets or purchases already made since they are common nutritional items!
Nut or seeds
Meat jerky
Dried fruit
Apple sauce or fruit cups
Simple fruit or veggies such as baby carrots or grapes
Granola Bars
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